Sunday 18 September 2011

Online Presence week 6 ( Reading - Convergence )

Computer + Online + Network + Video + Email + Radio + Game + Education + News + Connect + Encyclopedia!! 
= Media Convergence

by convergence - a flow of content across multiple platform, the cooperation multimedia industries, and the migratory behavior of media audience will go almost everywhere search the kind of entertainment they want. - Henry Jenkins.   
Media convergence is a combination with multiple platform, the cooperation within the multimedia company. The media audience get the information from almost everywhere, and combine as once. Meanwhile, the information is very board, as everyone can get what they want to know from internet, while we can share it as we want.  

Henry also states that Convergence manage to describe technological, industrial, cultural and social change, it's all depending on who's speaking and what they think and they are talking about.'' Technologies change due to the changing of the our surrounding, everyone have different perception toward certain things, perspective is different from each one, we might read the same context, but we have different interpret for the context, we have different point of view , due to the culture change. I might agree, someone else might disagree it. He also state that "culture shift as consumer encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among media content."   

This video can give us an idea of Media convergence today. We might not realized in our life, but yet it's happened now. The technology today, we can use multiple platform from 1 device.!

In additional :
Prosumer = user + producer + consumer + participant collobration

in the technology we are not just an computer user, we can be a producer to post our artwork through online, it could be upload to youtube, share on facebook and so on.
If you post something online?upload photo?blogger?people who share things out? Yes, you are PROSUMER!!

In year 2000, we deal with the new media <Internet>, by using internet we can do everything online.. we can read online News and so on. will the new media replace old media? 

Today, From the technology transfer from analogue to digital data, it moving environment 100% digital, somehow old media will never die, it just the change of platform. There are still a need for old media, especially for who doesn't online. 
for example : 
Newspaper -> Online news -> Mobile news
black discs -> cassette -> CD -> VCD -> DVD -> MP3 -> USB

Here a video between the conversation between old media(Newspaper) and new media (computer),
it's hard to say which is good which is bad, both have it's own pros and cons

For newspaper, newspaper can recycle it, the content newspaper are more credible cause it's written by profession journalist. whereas newspaper cannot get the latest news as internet do.

While for online news, it's slightly efficiency, the reporter can post it online right after the incident happened. Because of too much of news, people have option to choose what they interested, what they want to read. 

For me i will read the traditional news rather than online news, there is a thing. I can read the newspapers at once, mostly i will pick the front page and also the entertainment section. while when I finish reading these two, I started to look at the rest of the newspaper, and I found out it's interesting actually. As conclude, in the poor condition, it does successful to grad my attention to read the newspaper, but the internet are too much of interruption, we might open a few web browser for surfing, we might facebooking,while blogging. It's hardly to get my attention to read an article . 

Now, we can combine all the media platform in one device
.information distributions from different resources 
 Blogger = Producer + Consumer  
The blogger in term of combination of producer and consumer, the user defined as a consumer, this is because we used the the blog tool as our online dairy, so we are the blogger consumers. While using the blog, we are the one write the blog,  we are the one posting, so we are also a the producer for the blog.

I still remember when i was a child, there is a thing, which can ring can talk to without seeing each other face by using the sound, it's a "phone" ..
when i got in to primary school, there is a thing, which can carries everywhere, there are no color just black and white, but it's can call and sms to peoples , it's a "handphone"..
when i got in to secondary school, there is a thing, which kind of small, other than call and texting, it have colour and it have a camera function, it's a "mobile phone"..
when i got in to college, there is a thing, it's upgraded, it's even more function, without keypad, touch screen replace keypad, it's a "smart phone"..

For the children today, there is a "toy" .. there are a brand of angry bird against the green pigss- apple game... there are a  phone to connect people- by using viber,what apps.. there are a way to share the recording/photo to people..  
- This is a true story from my cousin, she is only 9 years old, she know how to function Ipad well than me..

In conclusion, the media convergence it's convenience to the people, but yet it form a lazyness for people as well. don't you think so? we are too reliance to the technology, can you come across you forgot to bring you phone out? how if the PC shut down for a few month? I bet you will lost on track for the moment.


Deuze, M. (2007) Convergence culture in the creative industries, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 10/2, 243-263. [available through library database]
Jenkins, H. (2004) The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7/1, 33-43. [available through library database]
Jenkins, H. (2006). 'Worship at the altar of convergence: A new paradigm for understanding media change'. In H. Jenkins, Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide (pp 1-24). New York: New York University Press. [URL:]


  1. Wow! Nice idea about what the word convergence meant! It's almost everything that we used to expose to in our daily life.

    and also I like the way you explain how "phone" changed to "smart phone". Media convergence changed our lifestyle alot. From independent from the devices to we can't live without it. It's good but also bad in the same time. People nowadays don't think that often anymore. Whenever there are questions to something, they'll go for Google. Whenever they are doubtful to a word, they'll leave the job to word checker. Culculations? It's just a tap away from the phone! Why must we think? Don't you think so?

    And because of the media convergence, somehow, I think that people nowadays are not as knowledgeable as what the people is. Well, that's my opinion anyway.

  2. Hi,

    I like this:
    Computer + Online + Network + Video + Email + Radio + Game + Education + News + Connect + Encyclopedia!!
    = Media Convergence

    Yes, it is true as media convergence brings us convenience but due to we too rely on the new media, we are difficult to change our habits and become more lazy. Everything is so convenient, like we no need to go physical bookstores and buy books at, it could lead to we lazy to walk and not prefer to go out. As a result, a new term is formed - "Otaku". Otaku is someone who stays at home and do everything by using Internet.

    But, think of the positive sides, media convergence really brings us many convenience and make our works especially publishing more effective. For example, newspapers and online newspapers. Newspapers reach certain readers with subscription while, online newspapers can reach readers globally. The distribution costs also different. Newspapers need delivery fees but online newspapers are available 24 hours as long as you have the Internet connection then you can access to it.

    In my opinion, it is good to have media convergence. It can stimulate the growth of technology and also economy. Imagine, if a new device is invented for new media or media convergence then, more professional employees are needed and we people would buy the new device. Then, the economy grows.

  3. Hai Siew mun...its very interesting they way you breakdown convergence and its development.

    I strongly support on your point that although the new technologies does help to make our life easier, but the old media is necessary for people that may not know how to use the new media.

    Although the aspect that the media convergence creates lazy people but its undeniable that the positive impact of it is much higher.


First Lecturer 1/8/2011