Saturday 22 October 2011

Online Presence week 8 ( Reading - Twitter)

Twitter  change our life.
Twitter is one of the popular social networking. From friendster to facebook, from facebook to twitter.. Now there is flight a for facebook and twitter, somehow facebook and twitter have different function, but it's definitely a best way to spread the news, today the social networking is also new advertising tool.. 
I believe most of the people have smart phone today, Twitter app are now on every smart phone, twitter users can actually download a twitter app on their smart phone, and tweet everywhere everytime, as long as it's has a internet access. 

what is twitter? 
From twitter website. from :
Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that allows you answer the question, "What are you doing?"by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called "tweets", to your friends, or "followers."  

"tweet" is like you post something up, "follower" can be defined as fans, who follow a person in tweeter, they manage to view the person latest tweet. 
Well, twitter have limited word, which it's only allow you to type140 character in length,  the short format of the tweet is a defining characteristic of the service, your tweet can be random as informal collaboration and quick information sharing. 
this symbol "@" is refer to who you want to mention in your follow list, you can tag who ever in your friend list, let say you want to reply a person particular post, we can use this symbol plus the person name on twitter. 
There is another symbol, which is v "#" , this symbol is refer to harsh tag, which once you using this symbol plus some organization name, so you manage to see every tweet from different users, which talking about common topic.  

Twitter is useful 
In term of personal use, tweeter manage to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about our life, tell them what am i doing right now. For example, "I feel like eating mcflurry, anyone?" If my friend view it, they can reply me by using the symbol "@" to mention my name. 

Well, in the sense of business use, i will say company can use twitter to broadcast company's latest news or product release. Twitter can also allow the company interact with their customers. For example, apple release IPad 3, there is a promotion for first 20 persons in the world, " IPad3 discount 50% for first 20 persons!", the follower will get interested, they can use the symbol "@theappleblog" to ask question. 
Nowadays, most of the news agency applied twitter, because twitter it only a short sentence, the news journalist can summarize the news in the 140 words and tweet it, if the person who interested on particular new, they click to their official website. 

well, twitter is not only for advertised for a business use it can also to promoting a person, for example, an artist can promoting themselve in Twitter, talk about the new album or may be a new drama, interact with their follower, for get attention and also gain popular. Whereas twitter can be defined as world of mount, it's a best tool for broadcast news, and also a efficiency tool for advertisement, a company can tweet a new release product or news promotion, peoples can get the latest news from twitter,  as almost most of everyone have smart phone, therefore they can check twitter often now. 

well, Twitter can be a good search engine as well, as we can search the information by searching people's harsh tag, or we could find information in twitter as well, For instance, we having a class twitter, as we can also read people's tweet to gain their knowledge by reading the tweet post. Some people might provide a link for us, we can click in if we like the more further information, the link allow people learn gain more knowledge as well. 

In twitter, peoples tell the world what they doing? where they going ? who they go with? 5W1H applied here. For me, i will think twitter is almost similar to foursquare, it's also telling the world what you doing, going where with who, i'm not a person who active in twitter, maybe i'm the person who prefer more privacy, I feel insecure to telling people where am i and what i doing right now. 

Twitter is open air, as everyone can see what you tweet, i used to have a twitter account, and i don't have much friend in my friends list, i thought it's a best place to express my feeling, i type something across my emotional toward the post, I though it is a safe place to express my feeling, one day, one of my friends, he actually type my name on google, and he found my twitter, I was like oh my god.. 
the final conclusion is avoid to put your real name and picture on tweeter if you don't want let other know it was you. 

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First Lecturer 1/8/2011