Tuesday 9 August 2011

Online Presence week 1 (Summarize)

This blog is mainly for academic purpose, for learning and explore myself toward the subject "Global networking". It will be focusing on the Global networks course (DIGC 202). We were ask for at lease complete 1 post, 3 comment to other course mate's  blog post and also 3 tweets each week throughout the semester.

 Meanwhile global networking = Global information network. 
Of course, there must be a reason behind it. By using the blog sport, there have certain benefit toward us, especially toward the teenager nowadays. For my point of view, this is used to reflected and recalled back to our lesson, so that we can be the organised person. i think this is pretty good idea for the student, which is more toward practical rather than reading in the text book. Throughout the lesson, i think the class quit fun. By using the different online tool, I felt small and inadequate, actually there are various way to communication to the global networking, i will get more experience by using the network communication tool and get myself learn as much as I can, this is what i aspect from this class =)

I would like to said thank you to "Professor Philip Kitley" . Thank you for giving us such a amazing Class during this 2 week, I will always remember the "reading method" you taught in the class. time flies, 2weeks times gone, its hard to say good bye, but we did enjoy for attending your class, we will miss u. Shall we see you again in a future day. =)

Task for the week 
Week 1
Lecture 1 = Engaging global networks
Tutorial : Introduction to the subject and online platform.
Lab = Create an email (New Account), create twitter account, create blogspot account, create delicious account.

Week 2
Lecture 2 = Global Connections : from telegraph to cyberspace 1850 - 2011
Tutorial = History of global communication
Lab = Discussion for the Research project.  Reading.



  1. Yes, networks make the global information and that is the reason we are easy to get details from the networks. For example, Facebook pages always contain product knowledge, personal information and others. Once we log in to our Facebook account we can get different kind of information and also entertainment such as games, video.

  2. global networking is the latest communication for everyone in the world, the person that can control networking will master the world. I have learnt how to deliver message and information in the fastest way through this lesson.


First Lecturer 1/8/2011