Thursday 3 November 2011

Online Presence week 12 Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web

Yes, I love today today the most~ 
"Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web"
Here come to 2 logo, I beg almost everyone know what company stand for this 2 Logos 
On the left hand side, there is a green robot, it's also know as "Andy" = > 
 Yes, it's Android, represent Google 
On the right hand side, there is an apple, An apple per day, doctor keep you away =>
Yes,  it's Apple logo 

Google Vs Apple
Let Google it! I beg all of you say this world, Google is my first choice when I wonder an answer. 
Well, Google have more wider space, beside it's a No 1 search engine, Google have also have their own business, Google try to satisfy all your need in different perception. Google have there own mail home, name as "Gmail", when you log on you Gmail account, the rest of the account will automatically on..
When you sign in to Gmail, your blogspot, Google + , On together.  it's link together...

Mobile phone company like HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Alcatel, Sony Ericson chooses Android OS. One of the reasons, it's because IOS only for Apple product, whereas Android is an open source software, everyone can have it.   
Not deny, Google always needed.. in term of function.. Google win

Whereas, Apple is a technology product, 
they try to put all the application inside one device, bring 1 device can do everything. 
they put every thing in a little apple (IPhone,IPad, IPod) There are always a "I" belong the products, mean everything belong to the user alone. I mean My. 
Because of the perfectly of  Apple it doesn't allow other OS system instead of IOS
They didn't share file to other, the Bluetooth will only function when Apple use toward Apple user..
While, Steve's doesn't like people to jeopardize the graphic, he ask for perfection.. 
Therefore, it don't allow the adobe flash in Apple product, quick time applied here. 
Steve Job like graphic, he ask for perfection in all the pictures, he want a nice color contrast, that's why we can see IMac, Macbook Pro and etc, it provide photo editing software like photoshop and so on.. 
For user to repair not satisfy picture and so on.. Not only that, all the apple product have a nice graphic.. 
Not deny, Apple product have a good Graphic, in term of color.. Apple win

Here, some History for Google and Apple
I beg this 2 product are well know for everyone,  last time we used to play robot toy, especially for the guys, and for the girls, we usually play "masak masak" selling/eating the fake apple.  
For the small kids today, they can recognized the green robot and apple from the technology device.

The History of Google
A (very) quick look back at the Google story over the last 11 years. From Stanford to Mountain View and around the world, featuring many different products, starting with BackRub (Search) up to Google Wave, StreetView and Chrome. An additional, Google brought Motorola 2011.!

The History of Apple
The History of Apple
The apple history from 1976 - 2011

Steve Job, I believe most of you know him, He spent the most of the time to invest and to develop the Apple.
He's very brave man, when he imaging to touch on the screen instead of button, people laugh at him, how can you do that? Lastly, he do that.. Iphone, Ipad, Ipod all applied touch screen
The Apple company name as Apple, because Steve's Job and his wife both are vegetarian, they very emphasize on health and Apple is Steve's favorite, so he decided to name Apple for his be lover company.

Lastly, I don't have a smartphone.. no even an IPhone...
For me, as long as I can call  or sms to other, it's a useful phone for me..
Everyone using Iphone, you can easily heard from someone "I want IPhone too"
But I will say "I need Google", without Google, Google can satisfy my need, it can help me when I'm doing my assignment, Same goes to I need to check my mail everyday.

Want and Need

I want IPhone , but I don't have money to buy, therefore I will give up you.
I need Google , without you, how about my assignment? It's must have you

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First Lecturer 1/8/2011