Sunday 18 September 2011

Online Presence week 6 ( Reading - Convergence )

Computer + Online + Network + Video + Email + Radio + Game + Education + News + Connect + Encyclopedia!! 
= Media Convergence

by convergence - a flow of content across multiple platform, the cooperation multimedia industries, and the migratory behavior of media audience will go almost everywhere search the kind of entertainment they want. - Henry Jenkins.   
Media convergence is a combination with multiple platform, the cooperation within the multimedia company. The media audience get the information from almost everywhere, and combine as once. Meanwhile, the information is very board, as everyone can get what they want to know from internet, while we can share it as we want.  

Henry also states that Convergence manage to describe technological, industrial, cultural and social change, it's all depending on who's speaking and what they think and they are talking about.'' Technologies change due to the changing of the our surrounding, everyone have different perception toward certain things, perspective is different from each one, we might read the same context, but we have different interpret for the context, we have different point of view , due to the culture change. I might agree, someone else might disagree it. He also state that "culture shift as consumer encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among media content."   

This video can give us an idea of Media convergence today. We might not realized in our life, but yet it's happened now. The technology today, we can use multiple platform from 1 device.!

In additional :
Prosumer = user + producer + consumer + participant collobration

in the technology we are not just an computer user, we can be a producer to post our artwork through online, it could be upload to youtube, share on facebook and so on.
If you post something online?upload photo?blogger?people who share things out? Yes, you are PROSUMER!!

In year 2000, we deal with the new media <Internet>, by using internet we can do everything online.. we can read online News and so on. will the new media replace old media? 

Today, From the technology transfer from analogue to digital data, it moving environment 100% digital, somehow old media will never die, it just the change of platform. There are still a need for old media, especially for who doesn't online. 
for example : 
Newspaper -> Online news -> Mobile news
black discs -> cassette -> CD -> VCD -> DVD -> MP3 -> USB

Here a video between the conversation between old media(Newspaper) and new media (computer),
it's hard to say which is good which is bad, both have it's own pros and cons

For newspaper, newspaper can recycle it, the content newspaper are more credible cause it's written by profession journalist. whereas newspaper cannot get the latest news as internet do.

While for online news, it's slightly efficiency, the reporter can post it online right after the incident happened. Because of too much of news, people have option to choose what they interested, what they want to read. 

For me i will read the traditional news rather than online news, there is a thing. I can read the newspapers at once, mostly i will pick the front page and also the entertainment section. while when I finish reading these two, I started to look at the rest of the newspaper, and I found out it's interesting actually. As conclude, in the poor condition, it does successful to grad my attention to read the newspaper, but the internet are too much of interruption, we might open a few web browser for surfing, we might facebooking,while blogging. It's hardly to get my attention to read an article . 

Now, we can combine all the media platform in one device
.information distributions from different resources 
 Blogger = Producer + Consumer  
The blogger in term of combination of producer and consumer, the user defined as a consumer, this is because we used the the blog tool as our online dairy, so we are the blogger consumers. While using the blog, we are the one write the blog,  we are the one posting, so we are also a the producer for the blog.

I still remember when i was a child, there is a thing, which can ring can talk to without seeing each other face by using the sound, it's a "phone" ..
when i got in to primary school, there is a thing, which can carries everywhere, there are no color just black and white, but it's can call and sms to peoples , it's a "handphone"..
when i got in to secondary school, there is a thing, which kind of small, other than call and texting, it have colour and it have a camera function, it's a "mobile phone"..
when i got in to college, there is a thing, it's upgraded, it's even more function, without keypad, touch screen replace keypad, it's a "smart phone"..

For the children today, there is a "toy" .. there are a brand of angry bird against the green pigss- apple game... there are a  phone to connect people- by using viber,what apps.. there are a way to share the recording/photo to people..  
- This is a true story from my cousin, she is only 9 years old, she know how to function Ipad well than me..

In conclusion, the media convergence it's convenience to the people, but yet it form a lazyness for people as well. don't you think so? we are too reliance to the technology, can you come across you forgot to bring you phone out? how if the PC shut down for a few month? I bet you will lost on track for the moment.


Deuze, M. (2007) Convergence culture in the creative industries, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 10/2, 243-263. [available through library database]
Jenkins, H. (2004) The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7/1, 33-43. [available through library database]
Jenkins, H. (2006). 'Worship at the altar of convergence: A new paradigm for understanding media change'. In H. Jenkins, Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide (pp 1-24). New York: New York University Press. [URL:]

Sunday 11 September 2011

Online Presence week 5 ( Reading -intellectual property )

Copy Right©
Copyright is to protect the "Original work" from the worker. It's to protect Literary work, musical work, artist work, films, sound and broadcast. The copy right use to protect the author/creator avoid the creative work been copied without permission. It's allow creator to charge other for copying the "Creative work" from creator. Modify and edit it's also not allowed, as the copyright allow the author "creative work" be protected by copyright law. Anything we write, say, record, and so on, Is automatically copyrighted as long as it's original work. Not necessary to register it with any authority. 

If a person copy people's creative work, the creator can actually sue the person without permission copy his/her work. 
sometime, we Like to copy and paste from website, but this behave might insult the creator. 

Additional Knowledge : 
Copy right in Malaysia governed by the copyright Act 1987
there are no registration, with the conditions :
- Original work
-the work has been written down, record and reduced to a material form
-The author is qualification person or work make in Malaysia
-The work published in Malaysia

Literary, Musical or Artistic Works
 life of the author plus 50 years after his death. However, if a work has not been published during the lifetime of the author, copyright in the work continues to subsist until the expiration of 50 years, 
Sound Recordings
The copyright in sound recordings shall subsist until the expiry of a period of 50 years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the recording was first published or, if the sound recording has not been published, from the beginning of the calendar year following the year of fixation.
continue to subsist until the expiry of a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the broadcasts was first made.Films
The duration of the copyright in films shall continue to subsist for a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the film was first published or first made available to the public or made, whichever is the last.
Government Works
 Copyright in works of Government, Government organizations and international bodies shall continue to subsist until the expiry of a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the work was first published.

TrademarkTMTrade mark®
Trademark law is to prevents market and product sell in the market, to avoid the peoples to sell a similar product , or using the same sign, phrase and word. Trademark used to protect the brand automatically.  The branded product which exciting in market for so long with the symbol "®", Somehow if i design a logo or make a new product, i can put the "TMbehind of it. It's reasonable
A patent give the creator of an authority to control who are allowed to use it. If I create a new logo, and some like it and make a new one almost similar with mine, without asking my permission, i can sue them by violation my patent. 

Some time, we will get idea from other, as in we like to "Google it" , we found and we copying. We edit it and become our new invention, but we didn't realize that we are copying to people work are consider violation patent of the creator.

Patents in Malaysia
Sources from : 
A Malaysian Patent is effective for a term of: 20 years (from the filing date). 5 years for pharmaceutical products and agricultural chemicals (this period could be extended).
The Utility Models are effective for a term of 20 years
Approximate Patent Application processing time: 3 years.
Member of the Paris Convention: Yes
Member of the PCT: No
Ministry Of Domestic Trade And Consumer Affairs
  1. Patent Filing
  2. Substantive Examination
  3. Acceptance (Notice of Allowance) or rejection.
  4. Payment of the Issue Fees.
  5. The patentee shall pay an annual fee beginning with the year in which the patent right was granted.

Today, we don’t have to buy the heavy book, E-book have already existing In the market, It can also define “E-ink” , which Mr.Faizal mentioned in class, the different from Ebook and iPad was IPad will cause our eye tiring, whereas E-Ink much more comfortable for reader's eye.  example : Kindle, Nook and Sony readers.



Sony reader

Additional Knowledge :  
Barnes and Noble B& is a "The Internet's Largest Bookstore" , 
"In 2009, Barnes & also became a leader in eBooks, offering over 1 million titles in its eBooks store and launching nook, the world's most advanced eBook reader, that features groundbreaking lending technology, a color touchscreen and lets readers download books in seconds." - (B&
Nook is now open download for IPhone, IPad, Microsoft PC, Mac, Android and Black berry. 
The smartphone and table PC Can purchase the E-book through online, the Apps have the copyright from the publisher.
In conclusion, 
I personal think that these law is used to protect the creator "Creative work", it's important to the creator themselves, we don't like people to used thing without permission or without acknowledgement right? If Nike there are not trademark nor copyright, the Nike product are everywhere, this will confusing the audiences which is real which is  fake?everyone can use Nike, but who going to pay to Nike? 

Plus, we are not aware that "download" from computer is illegal behavior, normally we will think that buy an album is so expensive, We buy a dish cost RM 40, we said it's expensive. why not we just download from computer, easy and it's free. we never think of how long to create a new album, it's not only the single, it's also involve the song writer, publisher, director and so and forth. How much it's need to pay? it's more than the cost we pay for the disk. Not only this, it's also quite bad for the creator, they spent so much time to prepare, nearly 100% perfect work. And We buy an pirated CD RM 10. it's quite an unfair to them. If there are no copyright protect, i think there will getting less and lesser talented people to sing, because there are no company willing to pay off without gain any profit. 

But from another way, the singer/actress/actor everywhere nowadays, everyone can be famous even if you are not a single, as simple as you can record you yourself in a video, and post it on youtube, if a song is popular, you will get the higher chance to become a single. There are few things you need to concern is the song must be original from you, not from any song already existing in the market. But it's very subjective by judge "original song",  there are no requirement to judge your song whether is 100% original. There might have 1 sentence same with another song, or the demo a bit sound like other people's song, it's this consider plagiarize or copy? How if the creator they never listen the song before? 

The song writer might spend a long time for create a new song, but we just spent a few second just to "download", does it fair to the creator? 

Boldrin, M., and Levine, D.K. (2007). Introduction. In Against Intellectual Monopoly (pp. 1-15). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press [URL:]
Lessig, L. (2004). Creators. In Free Culture: How Big Media uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Strangle Creativity (pp. 21-30). New York: Penguin [URL:]

First Lecturer 1/8/2011