Friday 19 August 2011

Online Presence week 3 ( Reading )

Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks -Felix Stalder
Information Ecology
Before i read through the topic,
at first, i will "Google it".. I believe that Google can gain my knowledge.  
New media are not bridges between man and nature: they are nature. Marshall McLuhan, 1969
From my understanding for this sentence the "New Media" are the nature phenomenon, nature and man doesn't not link.  
In information ecology, emphasis on the human activities served by technology not on technology itself.
Sources from : 

 Nowadays, human beings are fully utilize the advance of technology, as we can see, 
 Stalder states that,
Flow - The process to produced information through media : as we can gain and exchange information among peoples.
Nodes- Nodes are built at every gap, intersection with the nodes together from apart away. which to let the people from different places to connect to each other. It's a Process and direct.
For the advance of technology today, we "ourselves" can use the high technology now to connect to the world with the connection, to know about the world without stepping out from the house. The New Technology Make the people apart get closer. Picture taken from :

These patterns are the 4 basic dimensions of an information ecology:
  • Interdependency
  • Change
  • Time-boundness
  • Differentiation
Flow and node work together, there are helping each other.
Information is the relation which arises within the environment,and it is the difference that makes difference (Bateson, 1972).
All nodes are connected to other nodes through communicative processes. Network like a chain connect the nodes. We are sharing knowledge and information through the internet, its support to each other.

I got an example to let me more understand for this topic. =) This is really a good example as "Facebook" is the most popular social networking.
A social network diagram consisting of individuals (or 'nodes') connected by one or more specific types of interdependency Picture taken from :
A social network is a social structure made up of individuals called nodes, which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige. Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of network theory consisting of nodes and ties Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. The resulting graph-based structures are often very complex. A summary of the progress of social networks and social network analysis has been written by Linton Freeman.
One significant change generates total change.
The world are changing from time to time, the next second might be different form the last second. What we need to do is to fix to the world with "adoption" , adopt ourselves to the situation.
From the technology today, it always keep updating every second, as fast as we couldn't think of it,the only things to survival in the world is to adapt to the environment and keep updating ourselves.
Time is gold! The only thing doesn't change in the world is the world are keep changing every second. I still remember that "today new, tomorrow joke." 

No one know what will happen tomorrow, a person knowledge can decline if a person doesn't get use to it, meanwhile if a person never updated themselves will always been leaf up. We get the information today, might add another meaning for that tomorrow. Peoples are changing, technology are improving. 
The time will never stop for someone, we need to catch up the time.

When Node A transform to Node B, the information will different, and it will become a new information.


  1. Interesting Siew Mun, your explanation on the 4 points interdependency, time-boundness, change and differentiation are well discussed on. I like it that you use a clear example such as Facebook to help discuss your points in clarifying your answer. Perhaps what you doing here I can say that you have used the knowledge of interdependency that you are dependent on the example of facebook to explain the nodes and flows in Ecology.

  2. Well easy understand explanation! As the information is changed every second,the nodes and flow have to change at the same time in order to catch up and synchronize with the information given. Beside, i also agree with time will not wait for anyone and its same like the transmission rate of node and flow. They would not wait each other to get used,explore and absorb it requires them to keep on flowing without the time limit.


First Lecturer 1/8/2011