Thursday 25 August 2011

Online Presence week 4 ( Reading - Economics in networked citizens )

Liquid Labor- 
from what i had learned in class, now we can do work in distress environment, it has another way to present in working, no longer work from working hour, the employees have the authority to choose the shift they want. Now the working place i s flexible, last time people must work in office, today people can work at house. 
Now, the ideal job is no longer work to peoples, most of the people will pick a job as the leisure personal, peoples are become more demanding, they are concerning about environment and the facilities in the working place rather than other. And, the young boss tend to make their office became a fantasy work, as long as it's doesn't look like a working place. Refer to pic 1.
what is this giant egg for??
There are from GOOGLE Engineering headquarters in Zurich.
Can't you like working here as well?? 
Resources from 

Pic2 : Do you know what place is this? It's not an office,it's a:
_Microsoft Bus_
Business today is not about alone.
we can play at the same time at the same time while enjoy our work
 "Technology is only part of the answer to why it is that networks have remained in such sharp focus, and have occupied thinking around work and business. "

In this sentence referred to the advance of technology today, technology itself no longer work itself anymore, the growth of technology make our life more easier and also become important to our life, we can access to internet anytime and everywhere,as long there is a WIFI connection or Unif connection. we can access to internet to do anything as we want, we can go for social networking, surf information, now we can even make your own business through online. Since that everyone using the same tool to communicating , We need Network to communicate with World, know new knowledge and so on. Network become important to business nowadays. 

one question for every college student, do u spend your time one internet everyday? I'm sure the answer pretty obvious, I'm think the majority of the students will say, "I can't live without the internet." 

human being use technology applied for their business
now, people,technology and business was link together. 

Past few year we talking about e-business, Online banking, online shopping and so on.. 
From the improve for the social networking, people got a new idea for run their business. As we know Social networking is the communicating tool for us, it allow us to communicating with peoples around the world. we can know a new friend and also find our old friends over there, we get to know our friends latest update,we can get to see they photo. it's about sharing and informing among friends. Today, there are the new tool for run a business. 

For me, the social networking provide a good perform stage for the peoples interested to be an "entrepreneur" , some people they might have some special talent for doing something, its could be handmade beg or hand drawing shoes and so on; now they can make they interest as a small business, you can create a fan pages on facebook, making your own page without any payment. Facebook now is not only for the socializing, we can even run own little business over there, it's a good experience for the beginner who with the low budget.
There are a lot of social networking. one of the most popular and the most  users ,
For instance, the marketer updated to online business. For those big company or institution , they own a page on facebook as well. They know the teenager or most of the people own a facebook account, the higher chance will look at their product. This also one of the advertising tool, for using Facebook, i think they can spend less for advertisement. For the business perspective, the company can keep a good relationship with the customer, throughout the page ,everyone have their right to voice out the opinion toward the product, it allow the user to open a discussion forum for dealing with the company or sharing with other user. 

I believe everyone can recognized this icon. yes, now we can see this icon almost every where,
in the bottom of the print ads, in the corner side of the flyer, did u hear that before in the radio ads or see in the TV ads? 

The best example- McDonald own a fan page in facebook as well.
Through facebook, they can always promoting the latest promotion, festival promotion.
sometime, they might provide the voucher and coupon for the McDonald's fans. 
This is really an interesting way to advertised.
Katerina Rudiger has argued in a report for the Work Foundation, "this shift to “intangibles” is underpinned by modern economic growth theory, which acknowledges the vital role thattechnological progress and knowledge play in generating long term growth."

Beside that, the company going to move on to new technology era, but there is another issues happened. The senior employees might not know how to function the high-technology, the used to the traditional method, the old employees got to learn new software and how to function the new technology. therefore a professional training is needed to teach them how to used it.

"There is some evidence that individuals are demanding work with a clearer purpose and meaning, and choosing employers with a higher moral standard. "
Now people are knowledgeable, no one like to work under peoples. As they know they are smart, they might behave certain personal attitudes. There are certain people work with very demanding, because they expect on certain area, for a good employee attitude is important. of course as a employer, if you want people to work with you, you must have a good manner with soft tone when speck to the employee. 

In conclusion, few years later they are more online purchase, as we know that now we can almost buy everything through online, in US they can even buy the groceries through online, especially during winter, to avoid the snow war and the breaking cold weather outside the room. how if everyone purchase everything online? what going to happen to road? no longer jam~ 

Bradwell, P., and Reeves, R. (2008) Economies. In Networked Citizens (pp. 25-31). London: Demos. [ URL: ]

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Online Presence week 3 ( Reading - Cyber space)

Cyberspace ??
In term of "Cyber" use to describe almost anything that has to do with networks and computer.. 
"Space" is refer to the unseen places, which we couldn't see,the connection among ppls.. 

it is used to describe the virtual world of computers. For example, an object in cyberspace refers to a block of data floating around a computer system or network. With the advent of the Internet, cyberspace now extends to the global network of computers. So, after sending an e-mail to your friend, you could say you sent the message to her through cyberspace. However, use this term sparingly, as it is a popular newbie term and is well overused.  
Sources from

Human + Internet = Cyberspace 
we can do everything through online.
E-business,E-shopping,E-learning and so on

cyberspace is unlimited and infinity, we cannot count how much was that, it's just big enough to join us together.  The growth of population cyberspace users keep increasing, it's because  Cyberspace users keep increasing every second around the world. The cyberspace members without any age range it's could be 4year old kid up to a 89 year old grandma. Once you are cyberspace users, we all are in one family. 

"we did not invite you, You do not know us, nor do you know our world"
What barlow's article trying say is that, everyone are using the cyberspace, everyone have they right to voice out, everyone can share their happiness or emotional through the cyberspace. They are no one forcing us must attend to this cyberspace, but it just because of we tend to adapt to the society... We can share everything through online as we want, the cyber space is open for everyone,welcoming to everyone. Who cares what you write? Unless you are some famous people or celebrity, or else who will care what you write about. In the cyberspace we have freedom to do whatever in online, we can share our true feeling, hidden feeling or some personal view, sometime we cannot say something infront of the peoples, but we can voice out in the cyberspace, we have our privacy to do so, whether people view it or not.

 ""We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth"
Today, there are so much things can do by just sitting in front of the computer. From now on we can just know the latest "news" from internet, we can know the "weather forecast", we can online shopping instead of going to shopping center, there are more and more can be done in the cyberspace. Everyone are welcome to join this cyberspace, you don't need to be some certain specific religion or race, there are no qualification to buy the entry fee or cyberspace, the only requirement are you must be a human being and you are require a computer with the internet connection. There are no time limit for visiting to cyberspace, as long as you have the connection, you can access to cyberspace anytime as you like, cyberspace is welcoming all of you to voice out your though on the cyber world without any restriction, without any rule and regulation. 

The pros and Cons for cyberspace are very subjective. It's depend on the cyberspace users.
In Conclusion, there are no good or bad in the cyberspace, it's depend on how the person use it. If misuse cyberspace will cause something bad happen. By the way, beside the misuse issues, cyberspace can be good, if a person have a proper time arrangement , if peoples good use of it, it's doesn't be an issues. Somehow, cyberspace help us a lot, in the sense of helping us communicated peoples around the world, we gain information and extra knowledge without going to school. 

Sunday 21 August 2011

Global media bussiness and imamteiral production
Focus : 
How business done? work enviroment
How worker perform?
compare to industry business
Creating Knowledge

Information production ..
How label different?
Liquid labour

- Changes
- Effect
- Label different

Internet- network-progression of technology- physical space to cyberspace and so on.. 

breaking a boardes - portal.

2 Network time/space homogenization
-we do work, we are less conscious to time. the sense of time less obvious.
more homogenize
-personal computer- give power to ppl to do a lot of things. we can do the same things at home with own computer.
- Programing to industry .

From horizontal and  centralized organization
- Hireacy - from top to button.
- Horizontal structure - ppl form different department working together.
- Information can jump one place to another place with different ppl.

The message might get lost at the end.
feed back function
- decide

In the coordinator

Centralize -
decentralize - inform can go everywhere.

The knowldege worker
- economy came from services.
- process information

- Felxible

ROL investment
Capital : money

who have the best information. best software..
eg : google search engine

Maintanence - shut down server, problem!
Nver sleep - access all the time

Charles leadbeater
Information flow

Presence bleed
- House - check email. it's work or personal stuff?

labour / smart worker / more and more important work in Laboul

Conclusion - summarize for the chapter
1. Decenterilize
2.hard to separate work n personal on labor is shape by network. affector by information flow.
work is more flexible.
4.Labour is coming more uncertain - don't knw what happened interm in posted anywahere.
5. location n time less affector -

Friday 19 August 2011

Online Presence week 3 ( Reading )

Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks -Felix Stalder
Information Ecology
Before i read through the topic,
at first, i will "Google it".. I believe that Google can gain my knowledge.  
New media are not bridges between man and nature: they are nature. Marshall McLuhan, 1969
From my understanding for this sentence the "New Media" are the nature phenomenon, nature and man doesn't not link.  
In information ecology, emphasis on the human activities served by technology not on technology itself.
Sources from : 

 Nowadays, human beings are fully utilize the advance of technology, as we can see, 
 Stalder states that,
Flow - The process to produced information through media : as we can gain and exchange information among peoples.
Nodes- Nodes are built at every gap, intersection with the nodes together from apart away. which to let the people from different places to connect to each other. It's a Process and direct.
For the advance of technology today, we "ourselves" can use the high technology now to connect to the world with the connection, to know about the world without stepping out from the house. The New Technology Make the people apart get closer. Picture taken from :

These patterns are the 4 basic dimensions of an information ecology:
  • Interdependency
  • Change
  • Time-boundness
  • Differentiation
Flow and node work together, there are helping each other.
Information is the relation which arises within the environment,and it is the difference that makes difference (Bateson, 1972).
All nodes are connected to other nodes through communicative processes. Network like a chain connect the nodes. We are sharing knowledge and information through the internet, its support to each other.

I got an example to let me more understand for this topic. =) This is really a good example as "Facebook" is the most popular social networking.
A social network diagram consisting of individuals (or 'nodes') connected by one or more specific types of interdependency Picture taken from :
A social network is a social structure made up of individuals called nodes, which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige. Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of network theory consisting of nodes and ties Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. The resulting graph-based structures are often very complex. A summary of the progress of social networks and social network analysis has been written by Linton Freeman.
One significant change generates total change.
The world are changing from time to time, the next second might be different form the last second. What we need to do is to fix to the world with "adoption" , adopt ourselves to the situation.
From the technology today, it always keep updating every second, as fast as we couldn't think of it,the only things to survival in the world is to adapt to the environment and keep updating ourselves.
Time is gold! The only thing doesn't change in the world is the world are keep changing every second. I still remember that "today new, tomorrow joke." 

No one know what will happen tomorrow, a person knowledge can decline if a person doesn't get use to it, meanwhile if a person never updated themselves will always been leaf up. We get the information today, might add another meaning for that tomorrow. Peoples are changing, technology are improving. 
The time will never stop for someone, we need to catch up the time.

When Node A transform to Node B, the information will different, and it will become a new information.

Friday 12 August 2011

Online Presence week 2 - Reading

The very first reading for Global Networking. I'm personal think that, degree is more toward critical thinking, it's not just about reading and that's it's, we need to applied what we learn in our life.  
Power does not reside in institutions, not even the state or in large corporations. It is located in the networks that structure society.- Manuel Castells
1. What is network society now?
= We might wanted why the network being so advance for the society now? obviously the develpoment technology nowaday played an important roles, the technology including the microelectronics (which is the technology dealing with design, development and construction of electronic system from) and sofeware-based communication technologies (Which is the program used to direct the operation of the computer). Technology doen's mean to the society, of course we know than the techologies have been influence to our life, a very good exaplem , who house don't have computer? I'm sure there will be 9 over 10 of the people owned at lease one computer at house.

We unconsciously live in a network society, that we didn't realize, but ya! it's
The technology growth rapidly as we didn't realize. As we can see the phenomenon nowadays, the computer users are increasing from the young age to older age, for example the famous social networking "Facebook", facebook users are increasing year by year, even my little brother have a facebook account. 

As we can see, there are a lot of  media platform use to for internet. Today, we not use internet just for surf information, it's also a socialize tool for most of the people, which is to communicating among human being around the world.
Picture from :

The top 10 Social Networking sites and forum from 2008 - 2010/.
From the statistic result, obviously "Facebook" was growth rapidly  in this few years. It's one of the popular  social networking. 

why networks matter?
1. Globalization
Network society have expand around the world. According to Geoff Mulgan, he states that "networks
communicate and incommunicate at the same time at the same time."  No matter you want it or not,  imperceptibly we were influenced by the technology, we are all living in the network society. Network society  is about a whole world based, not all the peoples in country are connected to the network society, but all the countries are influenced, shape and the final decision made by the logic, interests and conflicts of this network society, the mass media are influences around the world.

2.Out compete  
"networked organisations outcompete all other forms of organisation, particularly the vertical, rigid, command-and-control bureaucracies."
Network organisations are competitor with all other form of organisation out there. In a business world, companies that outperformed always the loser compare to the flexible partnership. So as a media producer, they are required to updated themselves frequently.

3. Political institutions
''in the daily practice of joint decision-making in a network state made of nation-states, supranational associations, international institutions, local and regional governments, and quasi-public non-governmental organisations."
From what i understand for this point was all the networking system are strongly control by the government, all the right and control by the political institution, it only they have the right to do so.
for example, "youtube" was a tool for the users uploaded and share the video, streaming . But those of the video might including the harmful issues and it's might be negative issue content. therefore, the organization have the right to control the video posting up or even censor the unwanted part.

4. Civil society
"civil society is reconstructed at the local and global level through networks of activists, often organised and debated over the internet, which form and reconfigure depending on issues, on events,
on moods, on cultures."
As we mention the networking are actually surrounding around the world, it's allow the audience to voice out the opinion, actually it a "Freedom of speech" form in a cyber world. Peoples can voice out they feeling and opinion (Blog) or event just sharing the mood and showing off toward other (Facebook) so and forth.

5. Social
sociability is transformed in the new historical context, with networked individualism emerging as the synthesis between the affirmation of an individual-centred culture, and the need and desire for sharing and co-experiencing.”
In the cyber world, it was the “opening stage” open to everyone who willing to voice out. I want to say the phenomenon now happened in the society, I would like to use Facebook as the example, as we knew that Facebook it had a tag button, I believe every Facebook user did have the experience which was tagged people or was tagged by other people, for the young generation now, the

Virtual communities and smart mobs, hybrid networks of space and photons (as in the ME++ culture
conceptualised by William Mitchell)”
Today, everyone can be so “ME”, they might not be a confidents people in the real world, but they can be confident toward themselves in the cyberworld. For the e-generation (people who live in the cyber world) now, in facebook world, we will realize there is a like buttion, we started to realize everyone like to sharing and telling the world what they doing, why? Most probably to get attention from other and the other factors was everyone doing the samething, I should follow them, basically it's a “trend” to them. That's why the young generation nowaday were living in thir “Facebook world”, they found the real “themselve” in a space world instead of the reality word.

6. Media Space
"the whole range of social practices, both global and local, communicates in the media space."
the application like "facebook" or "tweeter" allow us to communicating to the people allow the world. Finally it form a "Global village", which mean the networking allow the peoples in the world connecting to the people in other places. Therefore, the peoples can communicated with people in the difference places by using the the same tool, in the same space without face to face communication. 

Lastly, that's all for my understanding from the article and from the discussion from Mr,Faizal =).
I knew my view might not accurate, n i have a big problem for my language. =[ that's why i took a very long period to digest the article. 

Pls do let me know and correct for me. 
I would like u kindly comment, I willing to learn from mistake =)    

"Sharing is Caring" - Peace ^^Y
thank you for reading

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Online Presence week 1 (Summarize)

This blog is mainly for academic purpose, for learning and explore myself toward the subject "Global networking". It will be focusing on the Global networks course (DIGC 202). We were ask for at lease complete 1 post, 3 comment to other course mate's  blog post and also 3 tweets each week throughout the semester.

 Meanwhile global networking = Global information network. 
Of course, there must be a reason behind it. By using the blog sport, there have certain benefit toward us, especially toward the teenager nowadays. For my point of view, this is used to reflected and recalled back to our lesson, so that we can be the organised person. i think this is pretty good idea for the student, which is more toward practical rather than reading in the text book. Throughout the lesson, i think the class quit fun. By using the different online tool, I felt small and inadequate, actually there are various way to communication to the global networking, i will get more experience by using the network communication tool and get myself learn as much as I can, this is what i aspect from this class =)

I would like to said thank you to "Professor Philip Kitley" . Thank you for giving us such a amazing Class during this 2 week, I will always remember the "reading method" you taught in the class. time flies, 2weeks times gone, its hard to say good bye, but we did enjoy for attending your class, we will miss u. Shall we see you again in a future day. =)

Task for the week 
Week 1
Lecture 1 = Engaging global networks
Tutorial : Introduction to the subject and online platform.
Lab = Create an email (New Account), create twitter account, create blogspot account, create delicious account.

Week 2
Lecture 2 = Global Connections : from telegraph to cyberspace 1850 - 2011
Tutorial = History of global communication
Lab = Discussion for the Research project.  Reading.


First Lecturer 1/8/2011