Friday 4 November 2011

Online Presence week 13 - Why Things Matter

We are in spider man generation, this day the web play very important role..
There is a thing we stick it tightly, it's a thing made the young generation crazy about it...
 There are an unseen web to joint us together by sitting in front of the computer.
Yes, it's internet!! The internet have a lot of function, 
It's allow us to communicating to each others, it's like a giant supermarket, whatever we don't know we can simply click and search for it. 

Blog + Objects = Blogjects (e blogosphere, or social web)
Blog is a record / dairy , it allow us to put our thought in the blog, whereas the object have a same meaning with things. In the article, Blogject meant to focus attention on the participation of “objects” and “things” in the sphere of networked social discourse. Basically, we write the blog, meanwhile we name as blogger, therefore blogjects is object's blog. What it's mean? we will discuss furthermore.   

Here some example Internet of things : 

This video about the technology change in this few years, what internet influence to human life. 

Internet of things, "Productivity future"

Internet of Things, this video can explain the transformation of the Internet from the PC to the smartp

Julian Bleecker's 'Why Things Matter?'
Basically, this article is about how the internet link to human life today. The technologies are getting advance. The internet can do everything for us, last time the internet is one way communication, we moderate the computer and ask the computer to do something for us, now the internet allow us to interactive with human. Not only that, today and future time they internet and human applied two way communication, the internet can answer you.   

In additional, peoples can joins and exchanges ideas through the web, will become a human blogger. In the internet, peoples can download,upload, disseminate and online steaming. The network is about informative, we gain information from network as well as we contribute to the network. Now, the internet can interact with human being.
key characteristics that differentiate blogjects from other internet objects.
1. Blogjects can track and trace where they are;
2.Carry with them the knowledge of previous stories, recordings, or experiences; and interact with a group. 3. Blogjects can log what user are doing, "remember" what they've done, and share their information with others, namely the internet's bloggers and blog readers.
information from :
Picture taken from :
Well, the internet does affect the physical world, it started to become a need for most of the house, it take up space in various places in a reality, blogjects have getting involved in our life.  exchanging information and participating in the media and content. 

For Instance, the computer can be defined as a personal assistance of human being in a future time, can you imaging from the day to night, technologies are get in to our life. In the early morning, they are no longer maid or your parents to wake you up, today our smartphone become a tools for wake us up. After that, you open your car alarm to enter the car, the car get the signal from your control, and it's on the switch. When you reach company, you need to scan you name card to enter your office, but the particular tag, it's allow your company to record down your working period, when you come and out to the office. 

Last but not lease, blogjects made our life easy and more convenient, but at the same time we because it too convenient for human, it cause human become lazy and lazy. Can you imaging when the computer do everything for us? We tend to rely to the technology, it help us to remember everything, including people's birthday, after all people memorize skill will become weak, for instance, last time our parents use mind to calculate, today we rely on the calculator, when the calculator not function, we can't calculate as fast as our parent do, we need more time to get used to it.   

Thursday 3 November 2011

Online Presence week 12 Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web

Yes, I love today today the most~ 
"Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web"
Here come to 2 logo, I beg almost everyone know what company stand for this 2 Logos 
On the left hand side, there is a green robot, it's also know as "Andy" = > 
 Yes, it's Android, represent Google 
On the right hand side, there is an apple, An apple per day, doctor keep you away =>
Yes,  it's Apple logo 

Google Vs Apple
Let Google it! I beg all of you say this world, Google is my first choice when I wonder an answer. 
Well, Google have more wider space, beside it's a No 1 search engine, Google have also have their own business, Google try to satisfy all your need in different perception. Google have there own mail home, name as "Gmail", when you log on you Gmail account, the rest of the account will automatically on..
When you sign in to Gmail, your blogspot, Google + , On together.  it's link together...

Mobile phone company like HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Alcatel, Sony Ericson chooses Android OS. One of the reasons, it's because IOS only for Apple product, whereas Android is an open source software, everyone can have it.   
Not deny, Google always needed.. in term of function.. Google win

Whereas, Apple is a technology product, 
they try to put all the application inside one device, bring 1 device can do everything. 
they put every thing in a little apple (IPhone,IPad, IPod) There are always a "I" belong the products, mean everything belong to the user alone. I mean My. 
Because of the perfectly of  Apple it doesn't allow other OS system instead of IOS
They didn't share file to other, the Bluetooth will only function when Apple use toward Apple user..
While, Steve's doesn't like people to jeopardize the graphic, he ask for perfection.. 
Therefore, it don't allow the adobe flash in Apple product, quick time applied here. 
Steve Job like graphic, he ask for perfection in all the pictures, he want a nice color contrast, that's why we can see IMac, Macbook Pro and etc, it provide photo editing software like photoshop and so on.. 
For user to repair not satisfy picture and so on.. Not only that, all the apple product have a nice graphic.. 
Not deny, Apple product have a good Graphic, in term of color.. Apple win

Here, some History for Google and Apple
I beg this 2 product are well know for everyone,  last time we used to play robot toy, especially for the guys, and for the girls, we usually play "masak masak" selling/eating the fake apple.  
For the small kids today, they can recognized the green robot and apple from the technology device.

The History of Google
A (very) quick look back at the Google story over the last 11 years. From Stanford to Mountain View and around the world, featuring many different products, starting with BackRub (Search) up to Google Wave, StreetView and Chrome. An additional, Google brought Motorola 2011.!

The History of Apple
The History of Apple
The apple history from 1976 - 2011

Steve Job, I believe most of you know him, He spent the most of the time to invest and to develop the Apple.
He's very brave man, when he imaging to touch on the screen instead of button, people laugh at him, how can you do that? Lastly, he do that.. Iphone, Ipad, Ipod all applied touch screen
The Apple company name as Apple, because Steve's Job and his wife both are vegetarian, they very emphasize on health and Apple is Steve's favorite, so he decided to name Apple for his be lover company.

Lastly, I don't have a smartphone.. no even an IPhone...
For me, as long as I can call  or sms to other, it's a useful phone for me..
Everyone using Iphone, you can easily heard from someone "I want IPhone too"
But I will say "I need Google", without Google, Google can satisfy my need, it can help me when I'm doing my assignment, Same goes to I need to check my mail everyday.

Want and Need

I want IPhone , but I don't have money to buy, therefore I will give up you.
I need Google , without you, how about my assignment? It's must have you

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Online Presence week 11 - Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries go

Social networking is a platform for a person to perform themselves in a cyber world, Facebook is a space to let them voice out and express themselves, in a Facebook's world, users can share and post whatever come from their mind, but somehow the "Freedom of speech" shape a person life, because of the boarder of freedom space, by the time people tend to more courage and bravery to express themselves, they put all the emotional toward Facebook,  they dare voicing out or complaining the dissatisfaction for their life,  in this article it's state about how the Iraq use facebook as a revolutionary tools.  

Nowadays, Social networking is not only for socialize purpose, it's also influencing the society, but Facebook and Twitter have a new function, which is a "revolutionary tool". Sadly,Online revolution become one of the communication tools, Facebook and Twitter have become one of the communication tools for demonstration activities, Facebook have provides accounts, group and pages for the users, which gather all the peoples who have common interest and same perception toward certain things. Here, Facebook provide a free platform for an organization, Users can create event or discussion with all the members in the group with free service in facebook.   Well, this happened in Saudi Arabia country, "e-democracy" happened quite often in this countries.    
RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens?
Evgeny Morozov presents an alternative take on 'cyber-utopianism' - the seductive idea that the internet plays a largely emancipatory role in global politics. Exposing some idealistic myths about freedom and technology (during Iran's 'twitter revolution' fewer than 20,000 Twitter users actually took part), Evgeny argues for some realism about the actual uses and abuses of the internet. (Information from : 
I think that the prospective of the internet to change the world is not in the broad sense of bring down autocracy that this video criticize, but in allowing activism in existing democracies where the law protects it.  This video was great, but there's no rejecting that there's benefit in making communication easier, even if that means said communication is easier to abuse. Most of the time, technology is not a bad tool anyways, but peoples keep on underestimating the rule and consequence of the use of technology. Technology does offer self-rule, but those activities can be influenced or draw out of control.

I personally think, the revolution do happened if without Facebook and twitter, but it just the facts that the quantity for the members are lesser. The people for joining become a small scale, the revolution does happened before Facebook existing, I disagree that it states that internet = Democracy, as in Internet are useful in many factors, it's does help us a lot, people misleading cause it. I will say internet more likely a activator which easy to make people gather together, and Facebook is a place to enhance the gather all the people together and enhance the relationship among each other. 

Social networking is for socialize, for us to communicating with friend around the world, to updated the news and so on, it's a positive tool at first, but because Facebook allow the users have ability to create the page and group, the freedom on Facebook made people start to "open a shop" and start open discussion, in the open air method, people can voice out they opinion as they like, there are nobody have right to suit you or arrest you, with the safe condition, people tend to courage and complaining toward government. Peoples dare not to express themselves in the public, they might shy to face to the people, but in Facebook, they don't need to facebook peoples, they just need to face to the "Facebook" and write down their opinion, once they get attention and agree by other peoples, they will become more confident, once they get as much as people to support them, they have the courage to take action.

There are a advantage form a group in Facebook, this allow people who have same interest can discussed in a topic, it can be a secret group or may be an open group, while the members can also invite they friend to the group. Whereas for the Facebook page, it's open for public, once you click the "Like" button, you can always see the latest updated for the group, unless you hide it or block it. This is benefit to the organizer, people can share the information out, people who interested to the page, they will go and like it as well. Facebook slightly the world of mouth, I can say that I get the first hand news from Facebook, can you imaging how fast Facebook spread the news?  Except to attract the members to joint, it also because of the peers pressure, for instance "Bersih 2.0", the members for this particular keep increasing everyday, can you remember those time almost everyone change their profile picture to yellow color, people sharing the video, sharing the photo and so on. All this is to get public attention, for the young generation today, they like to follow the peers and so called "trend", everyone like it, why not i'm doing so? everyone change their profile picture, i'm also want it. they like the page, why not I do so? Everyone are talking about the topic, I'm must like it also, if not i will become the outdated...  

so the conclusion is 
Facebook -> spread news fast -> population more -> Event still ON!
Facebook -> spread news slow -> population less -> Event still ON!

Here some example Facebook Pages in Syria and Egypt : 

Syria takes the revolution on FacebookThe Baath party has been in power in Syria since it passed a 1963 emergency law banning all opposition groups. President Bashar al-Assad came to power in 2000 after the death of his father Hafez. Although his tough stance against Israel has earned him popularity; the growing economic disparity and rising poverty coupled with unemployment and corruption in the country has turned the people against the government.

This is a neat facebook page of user-submitted images of Egypt revolution graffiti art
Revolution Graffiti (

Tunisia has been overthrown. Egypt is tottering. Now Facebook pages are calling for protests to begin in Syria later this week.

the internet is more important and disruptive than [its greatest advocates] have previously theorised"

Online Presence week 9 ( Reading - Hacker)

Civic hacking: a New agenda for e-democracy

Hacker is powerful as he can steal peoples things without permission of the creator.
Who is hacker? everyone can be hacker, as long as you need some IT based and you are patient enough, or else this JOB is not suitable for you.
Well, Hacker is a mystery stead thief, who can simply breaks into peoples's computer, the person who have been hacked by people will never know who are hacking them. The hackers usually hacks on computer, email, website to steal data and passwords without people knowing.   Somehow,Hacker is actually a proper job for protect the security by test the security, they need to study crypt analysis.

Definition of crypt·a·nal·y·sis : (Sources from:
1. The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems.
2. The study of techniques for deciphering cryptographic writings or systems.

Hacking culture
Hacker spent a lot of time to discovery how to hack in to people's database. To hacked in mess user, they need to spend each time for each particular users. We are discussing hacking is legal or illegal issue, Hacking usually take as illegal action, as in hacking used to steal information or password from internet, they can make a free call to everywhere and free internet access, they might create some virus to shut your pc down, somehow hacking is legal in the sense of helping PC's User, because it use the hacking tool to test the security. There are two things needed for hacker, which is "PC + Modem" 1modem need to connect 2 computers, modem used to connect to internet access. Social capital based on reciprocity, one hacker help another hacker, they applied number to replace word.

Here, illegal hacker known as Black hacker, which More evil hacking the system for stealing people's information, steal people information for personal use or sell it; whereas legal hacker known as White hacker, they don't damage the data from the users, they are trying to help the user to repair or solve the problem.

Major point. why people do hacking?
They open an hour an hour to hack in people account, just because there are a lot of rule and regulation. Seem internet as www, original hacking, traditional hacking. Whereas people's curiosity, they curious to other people's privacy.


It's a combination of the words electronic and democracy, which mean refers to the use of information technologies and communication technologies and strategies in political and governance processes. e-democracy is concerned with the use of information and communication technologies to engage citizens, support the democratic decision- making processes and strengthen representative democracy. Source from

e-democracy is still useless when user is not active in internet or not interest with your activity.
This quote from the article state that, the e-democracy will not success if the less internet users, or the internet user are not interested in your online activity, there are useless if a particular websited have registered users or less users notice it. Here the article is about the people who have same interest and common idea can gather together and open up a discussion. Which it could be a  

example like "Bersih 2.0" in Malaysia, the coalition's objective of "Bersih 2.0" was to push for a thorough reform of the electoral process in Malaysia, "they use social networking-facebook as the promoting tool, there was a demonstration in Kuala Lumpur held on 9 July 2011, they use Facebook fan page to spread the news around, they gather the peoples around the world, demonstration at the same day with wearing a same yellow shirt. Can you imaging how powerful was social networking? Internet is a new space. free flow information, nodes with power equal some of them have specific advantages. People applied political issue on internet, people can voice out their opinion to against government. But the thing is, it's everyone online? It's everyone look at your webpage? there is a things...

Phone pheaking (phone hacking)
- Hack in to the person's phone, and steal the personal information of the users. Its an act of gaining illegal access to resources of telecom networks for fun. Some they hacked for understand how telecom infrastructure worked, other than that they wanted to make free long distance phone calls. Phone hack more dangerous threat as  phreakings can gain back door access to corporate network through unsecured modems and steal data, launch attacks. sources from : 

Game Hacking 
People hacking game and create a new software, they can hack in people's account and play around with their character in the game. One of the examples, "The Sims", people can hack in to add credit for their sim city anytime as they want, as long as the "sims cheats codes". 

Activism - flight for somethings.
It's a use of computers and computer networks as protest political ends. This can also defined as non violent use of illegal or legal ambiguous digital tools in pursuit of political ends.  Could be understood as the writing of code to promote political ideological . 

A spyware, hardware the indented website. CIVIC Hacking is a type of contest, this people who hack to gov website, most of them have political minded. Government funding hacker, they work as intelligence. 

First Lecturer 1/8/2011